Contact: 423-580-6494
Studio Address: 602 – 1st Street ,Steilacoom, WA 98388
Teaching Area:
- Guitar
- Ukulele
Teaching Ages: Now Accepting Students
- 6 Year of age and up
Teaching Style:
Teaching Days/Hours:
- Monday through Thursday
- 11:00 am through 4:00 pm, PST
- In-Person OR Virtually
- Scheduled Lesson times, with Teacher
Student Event Opportunities:
- PVC – Anything Goes Recitals (various dates throughout the year)
- Group Recitals
- Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)
- Washington State Music Teachers Association (WSMTA)
- Puyallup Valley Chapter of WSMTA (PVC)
- Master of Arts in Worship Studies and Leadership Liberty University, VA.
Hi, I’m Holly! I have been playing Guitar for 16 years and Ukulele for 13. I have been teaching music for over 6 years. I have enjoyed the privilege of playing in bands for 13 years, leading a worship band for 7 years, and facilitating a youth band for 5 years. I love teaching Guitar and Ukulele, having a strong passion for music and sharing it with other who want to learn!